D-Blog Week – Find a Friend

This week is the start of the 3rd annual D-Blog week, orchestrated by my friend, Karen over at Bittersweet Diabetes. It’s my first year to participate and I’m very excited 🙂

I am still relatively new to the blogging world … and I have several blogs that I read daily. I am going to break the rules and have more than one – I figured since Karen did it, I could too 😉   There are too many to list out all of the ones I enjoy, but please reference my blogroll from time to time to look at ones I do try to keep up with. And if you would like your name added to the list, please let me know!

The first one is Scott, over at Rolling in the D.   Scott keeps it real and I always read something in his posts that I can relate to.  Also, I need to give Scott credit for the tagline at the top of my blog – “This is a goal.. not yet a reality.”  These were his words when he added me to his blog roll and I loved it. Very true!

Kim who writes Texting My Pancreas.  Kim is a cartoonist and draws some hilariously relatable pics of living with diabetes. She has recently added some vlogs to her posts and they are full of awesomeness.

Rachel at Probably Rachel – she is a great writer and I always enjoy reading her posts.

Sara at Moments of Wonderful – Sara has mad (and hilarious) writing skill.  And best of all, we have shared many a laughs about the fact that her blog somehow made it to the “blocked sites” list at my work (assuming because of the name?)  So I have to go out of my way to squint on my phone to read her blog. So you know it must be worth it. 🙂

And of course there is Kerri, at SixUntilMe.  Kerri is the blogger that unbeknownst to her, inspired me to start writing mine. I had the privilege of meeting her recently and hearing her speak at a JDRF conference. It was life changing! Thank you, Kerri, for all you do for your fellow PWD’s. For being our voice.  For making us laugh!

To all of my fellow bloggers – thank you.  Some of I found already, and some I hope to find one day.  I enjoy reading them and I get something out of each one of them. And most of all, for those of us reading them, it’s a way to know we’re not alone. And that is HUGE.  If by writing my blog, I can reach just one person in that way, then I know it’s worth it.

About Shannon

I am a wife, a mommy, and a Type 1 diabetic (since '92.) I have had two successful pregnancies - one of which was with twins. I wear an insulin pump- - off and on since 1998, as well as the Dexcom CGM. I am not a medical professional, nor am I giving medical advice. I am just sharing my day to day stories of someone who lives with this disease every day. My ultimate goal is to raise awareness.
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5 Responses to D-Blog Week – Find a Friend

  1. Thank you! I’m honored to be included in your list.

  2. Kerri. says:

    Thank you so much for including me in your list, and it was great meeting you in March! 😀

  3. Thank you so much for the mention, Shannon! 🙂

  4. Scott E says:

    Thanks for the Shout-Out, Shannon!

  5. Sara says:

    Stay tuned to my blog for all the latest scandalous information. You know… pictures of cats, Dexcom receivers, and melted ice cream. 😉

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