About Shannon

Hello! My name is Shannon and I am a wife, a mom, and a Type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed in 1992 as a senior in high school (go ahead and do the math .. I’ll wait.  Got it yet? Ok, I’ll give you another few seconds ……..) and at the time I was truly too old for my mom to manage this disease but too young to properly know how to navigate through my new life by myself.  I didn’t know anyone else who had diabetes.  So for the first 20 years I met a few people here and there but until I found the DOC and met other friends “like me” I had no idea that there were so many other people living through the same things I was living through every single day.

I wanted to create this blog to share with other people that you can live a perfectly “normal” life with this disease, and there is nothing you cannot do. You have to do it with some occasional modifications, but you CAN do it. I was even told when I was first diagnosed that I should never have children.  Boy, do I wish I could go back and meet that doctor and show him my perfectly healthy beautiful boys!

If you’re curious about the name of my blog – that is my team’s name every year when we walk in the annual Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Walk for the Cure.

In addition to my advocacy through my blog and Twitter and Instagram (@nomoreshotsforshannon), I’m also an advocate for diabetes in my local community of Dallas, Texas. I’m a volunteer with the local Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and I’m also a trained mentor through JDRF’s Dallas office.

I am a DPAC Champion and have traveled to DC to speak to Senate offices and Representatives about diabetes and found on that trip that diabetes advocacy truly is a passion of mine.

You can also follow me on Instagram at @nomoreshotsforshannon



2 Responses to About Shannon

  1. Tiffany says:

    Shannon, are you on Facebook at all? I have been a diabetic since 18 months old. So I’ve had it 26 years now. I would love to connect with you more. 🙂

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